
May 5, 2020

Procurement Strategies for Citizen Engagement

Open North and Evergreen

This is one of four Community Solutions Advisory Service Case Studies that highlights the replicability of the open smart city approach and the solutions offered to communities through the Community Solutions Advisory Service led by Evergreen's lead technical partner, Open North.

City: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Population: 273,010

One of Saskatoon’s objectives is that “Civic services are aligned with citizen needs and citizens are connected to answers and information they need quickly, simply and seamlessly”

In order to meet its larger goal of establishing a culture of continuous improvement, the above is an objective that the City of Saskatoon identified in its Strategic Plan. With that in mind, Saskatoon committed to the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage its business processes and resources. For the Technology (IT) Portfolio & Business Solutions department, this was a good opportunity to integrat...

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