
February 1, 2023

Housing Supply Challenge Round 4 Networking Sessions

By Evergreen

As part of the Housing Supply Challenge Support Program activities for the Building for the Future Round, Evergreen, in consultation with Innovation 7 and support from CMHC, will be offering two networking sessions for potential applicants to learn more about each other’s housing solutions and find opportunities for potential partnership.

The virtual networking sessions will be hosted on February 8th and March 1st; applicants are welcome to sign up for either session or both. The networking sessions will be held in English with options for French discussions.

On Wednesday, February 8th from 1-3 PM EST, our first networking session will allow for participants to meet each other and discuss their solutions/project ideas based in thematic discussions. In this session, we will also be providing a learning segment for applicants to learn what makes a quality application. We will be joined by Scott Stevenson, Board Chair of Habitat for Humanity Greater Ottawa, will be joining us to discuss the importance of innovation in the housing crisis.

On Wednesday, March 1st from 1-3 PM EST, our second networking session will be focused on relationship building and networking to provide participants an opportunity to introduce themselves and their housing solutions. The participants of this session will be able to pitch their idea for other attendees and receive feedback about it.

Register for the sessions here.

Download the presentation here.

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