Civic Capital Movement

A person with a microphone speaking to a group of people

The Civic Capital Movement is a collaborative project seeking to fundamentally shift the way we understand the value embedded into our civic assets toward developing system financing tools and models for our current and future commons and collective wealth.

Together we are ideating, prototyping, and testing financing solutions that capture the latent spillover economic value of our civic assets to fund the green infrastructure projects essential to our vision for equitable and prosperous future cities.

As part of this effort, Evergreen is kicking-off a lab process where we will bring together key stakeholders and thinkers in the field of civic capital innovation to problem-solve on how we can develop tools to capture and leverage valuation of civic assets to finance in real-time the urgent need for school ground retrofits and to support Toronto’s ravine revitalization strategy.

Lab research includes:

This work is led by founding partners Community Foundations Canada, Dark Matter Labs, Evergreen, Maison de l’innovation sociale, MaRS Discovery District, and McConnell Foundation.

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