People sitting on grass in a garden park area in the city

The Evergreen Resource Hub

A large collection of resources for placemakers and educators dedicated to nurturing better public spaces.

About the Hub

People sitting at long table of computers, bright light in background

A digital library of resources you can trust

The Evergreen Resource Hub aims to provide individuals and communities alike with the research and tools they need to meet the challenges we are collectively facing today.

Our focus areas are:

  • Integrating data and technology approaches to solve for climate, infrastructure, and other pressing challenges.
  • Working to end the housing crisis across Canada.
  • Greening outdoor public spaces with inclusive placemaking.
  • Nature-based education for children.

A natural evolution

Before it was named the Evergreen Resource Hub, our digital library was known as the Community Solutions Portal under the banner of Future Cities Canada.

Future Cities Canada was a collaborative platform created to harness the momentum for change already happening in cities. Convened by Evergreen, Future Cities Canada founded numerous labs, projects, and forums that have shaped much of Evergreen’s core programming today.

The ’new’ Evergreen Resource Hub is a broader collection of educational materials, research briefs, podcast episodes, videos and other media to inspire learning, collaboration and action.

Learn more about what Future Cities Canada was to Evergreen in Our Story.