
July 18, 2019

Digital Strategies and Smart Technologies in Ontario’s Mid-Sized Cities: An Emerging Role for Administrators


Bridging research in smart city governance and the specific case of the mid-sized city. Author: Angela Orasch

Mid-sized cities hold a distinctive place within the smart city agenda. Mid-sized cities often struggle with both the fiscal capacity and existing infrastructure to make smart city models a reality; however, they are encouraged to participate nonetheless. It is thus important to bridge research in smart city governance and the specific case of the mid-sized city. The following research builds on Evergreen’s previous evaluative work while continuing forward with a critical lens.

The main questions being: Where are smart city strategies housed, and who is in charge of their management? This paper uses summary research from city websites coupled with interviews with various city leaders to answer these questions and assess the current governance model of smart cities in Ontario’s mid-sized cities.

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