Potential partner

August 10, 2023

homeD Modular Housing Technology Corp.

Contact: Loki Jorgenson | loki@homedmodular.com Preferred language of communication: English

The mission of homeD Modular Housing Technologies is to provide – at scale – life-time affordable homes, far beyond four-walls-and-a-door, that support people at risk of homelessness, living with over-lapping challenges and specific requirements.  homeD is dedicated to building homefulness for everyone. 

The BoxPod Gen2 is a certified Step Code 4 /Net Zero Ready, precision built, 350 sq-ft, instrumented modular design for temporary and permanent multi-unit builds with a minimum 50-year unit lifetime.  Its design supports vulnerable populations who are chronically homeless.  It utilizes a cementitious magnesium oxy-sulphate (MgOxySO4) structurally insulated panel (SIP) with a graphite EPS core to provide a durable, air-tight, fire-, water-, pest-resistant residential unit that is equipped with HRV/heat pump, IoT monitors and environmental controls, and ready-to-occupy interior amenities that intentionally enable and dignify those who benefit from housing most.

To achieve the end of homelessness in Canada, homeD innovates at several key fronts to reduce costs while raising quality levels:  rapid modular design, energy efficiency and GHG reduction, smart homes technology, and scalable manufacturing with training and employment generation. 


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