Potential partner

August 14, 2023

Rohe Homes Ltd

Contact: Rohan Kulkarni | rohan@rohehomes.com Preferred language of communication: English

Rohe Homes is a construction technology company on a mission to increase global housing availability and ensure housing security.

We have commercialized a new form of construction technology for rapid manufacturing and deployment of homes throughout Canada. Introducing the Lotus Series Kit Homes, a home building solution that can be used either as a DIY sweat equity model for capacity building or a fully finished structure offered to groups with higher capital budget. Both product offerings are produced in community based micro-factories near areas who have an immediate large-scale demand for new housing.

Rohe Homes has designed and engineered a building system using a repeatable module called The Lotus, a 530 ft2 module which contains all the specialized elements and work required to meet the National Building Code. Using these modules we are creating a series of Kit Homes, that will be built in climate-controlled factory – allows us to meet rigorous QA QC standards and allows us to increase production output.   

Folding technology – These homes compact to a 1/3 of its size for easy transport and setup. 
Fixed cost product – Our pricing for the lock-up structure is consistent no matter where in Canada
Pre-inspected and certified – Our products are CSA certified and the modules are pre-inspected in the factory
Lock-up ready – Each unit can be completed to a lock-up stage in 1 day after delivery. 

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