
October 24, 2019

Smart citizens: How the internet facilitates smart choices in city life


This paper is a study that was conducted by Ericsson Consumer Lab online in September 2014 with 9,030 iPhone and Android smartphone users aged between 15 and 69.

Respondents, representing 61 million citizens, were from Beijing, Delhi, London, New York, Paris, Rome, Sao Paulo, Stockholm and Tokyo.

In order for people to take a more proactive and participatory role in city life there is a need for a bottom-up change approach while traditional players still deliver ICT services. The main finding of this report was the wish for nomadic and healthy citizens to be able to monitor crowded spaces, optimize energy usage and evaluate the quality of drinking water.

Most of the concepts tested in this study can clearly have a high impact on everyday city life. For this very reason, city dwellers may feel these services are far too im...

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