
October 4, 2023

Smart Climate Resilience for Atlantic Canada


Presented by Zoya Sodhi

This was an innovation workshop on Sept 28, 2023 produced by Evergreen in partnership with CLIMAtlantic

Evergreen’s Community Solutions Network delivered an innovation workshop (hybrid event) for municipal city staff and Indigenous leaders from across the region of Atlantic Canada who are interested in climate adaptation and resilience, using data and technology approaches.


1:00-1:25–Welcome, CSN, CLIMAtlantic

1:25-1:55–Rex Holwell,SmartICE

1:55-2:25–Victoria Fernandez, Halifax Regional Municipality

2:25-2:55 –Marcel Vienneau and Clément Mousset, Association Francophone des Municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick

2:55-3:15–Joshua Welch, Evergreen, AI for the Resilient City

3:15-3:25–Wrap-up and Close

3:25-3:35 –Break

3:35-4:00 –Virtual and In-person separate activities
Floor Presentations(in-person only)

Virtual networking (virtual only)
4:00-5:00–Facilitated networking (in-person only)

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